We're not a Education/Hiring Company

Originally seen on Twitter This is a relevant time to clear some confusion around what we do at Questbook People know us for our educational content. We’re in the business of helping builders increase financial mobility. This is the time to focus on builders and building, now that the dust around NFTs and DeFi hype has settled. Our tutorials went viral, largely because there were no good crypto tutorials back when we launched in 2021....

May 16, 2022

What Is Staking Non Technical

Can you explain the economics behind the concept of staking from a non technical point of view? Sure. Different staking mechanisms have different mechanisms but they do have some similarities which I’ll touch upon. The basis behind the blockchain as in bitcoin was that you secure the blocks by computing a certain number every 10 mins (called nonce). That is 10 min of high intensity computation. The security assumption is that if you are spending $100 of electricity in doing the computation, and getting rewarded something that is worth $101, it’s profitable to do those computation aka mining....

May 16, 2022

Smart Contract Wallets v/s Metamask?

Can you explain from a user experience standpoint how a smart contract wallet is different & better from metamask? Smart contract wallets are not a replacement of Metamask. The fundamental to understand here is that in ethereum and crypto, code is a first class citizen. You can write code that acts and behaves on behalf of a user. In contrast, this is not the case in web2 where humans are first class citizens and code is always blocked away with tps throttling, captchas etc....

May 16, 2022